UK Power Networks is the UK’s largest electricity distributor, and today are publishing their vision for how the network will adapt to meet the changing needs of the 8.2 million homes and businesses we serve across London, the South East and East of England.  UKPN would like you to help them shape our vision of a smart grid for all, and create an electricity network that empowers and enables communities and consumers to benefit from the new technologies already available and facilitate the development of those yet to come.

In the coming years, more and more people will own electric and driverless cars, use smart appliances in their homes, and generate, store, and sell their own electricity. These changes will have profound implications for electricity generation and distribution.

UKPN’s vision for the future, outlined in their Future Smart consultation, proposes radical changes to enable electricity networks to keep up with the needs and expectations of consumers, and outlines how people and their use of new technologies will be at the heart of the new electricity system.

To meet these challenges, we are proposing to transform from a Distribution Network Operator to a Distribution System Operator, and enable a smart, flexible system responsive to customers’ needs.


Have your say 

Developing a new smart, flexible system requires us to listen to and collaborate with those who use the network every day. Therefore inviting you to give your views on how this can create a smart grid for all by responding to our Future Smart consultation


The consultation is open until 15 September.

Your views will help shape the electricity system of the future, and ensure to wcontinue to meet the needs and expectations of all our customers.


Save the Date

UKPN will also be hosting a consultation event on 8 September in Central London and would be delighted if you could join them. Please save the date and more details will be sent closer to the time.