While power networks have more online monitoring and data capture resources than ever before, extracting indicators of plant health from this data is challenging owing to the potentially complex relation between operational behaviour and environmental phenomena. Additionally, human factors introduce subjectivity to the process.

Data analytics have been widely adopted and clear benefits are evident across a wide range of sectors. The main driver for adoption is when an operational or business case exists leveraging on existing domain expertise. This workshop aims to bring together industrial partners and academia to share current practices for extracting plant health indicators, discuss the challenges posed by future assets and to explore the opportunities of new technologies in the Asset Management process.

Participants in the workshop will gain an understanding of the differences in determining the health indicators of different power system plant, best practices in the industry will be promoted and an appreciation of the challenges of future power system assets. Opportunities for the use of IoT for gathering data from assets will also be explored in the workshop. The workshop will aim to highlight key areas of interest for future streams of work in this area at the Power Network Demonstration Centre.


Date:                   Tuesday 12th June 2018

Venue:                TBC (Glasgow city centre)

Time:                   9:30 – 16:00


9:00 – 9:30 Registration – Tea and Coffee
9:30 – 9:45 1.0



Workshop introduction covering the changing landscape in power system asset management invoked through emerging technologies, regulatory requirements and new operational practices.

9:45 – 11:30 2.0


Current best practices on data management

This session will look at 4 case studies showing how intensively managing asset health through enhanced understanding of monitoring data can be achieved through advanced data analytics, new sensors, harnessing domain expertise and advanced investment/planning tools. Mapping of monitoring/inspection data onto HI/CI.

11:30 – 11:45   Tea and Coffee
11:45 – 12:30 3.0 Group activity – Challenges posed by next generation assets and new operating practices

Increased use of solid state plant and power electronics means asset fleet health may converge on a single failure mode, specifically, one where failure cannot be anticipated or addressed with maintenance. What are the challenges posed by future assets for HI/CI mapping?

12:30 – 13:00   Lunch break
13:00 – 14:30 4.0


Is there an opportunity for the use of IoT data?

Application examples of IoT data for Energy and other industries

14:30 – 14:45   Tea and Coffee
14:45 – 15:30 5.0


Group activity – Human factors

Subjectivity can lead to inconsistent HI assessment which in turn can present a misleading representation of asset fleet health. Human factors present in visual inspection processes can be identified as an underlying cause of this subjectivity. This group activity will see participants rank (objects/assets?) according to their perceived condition to demonstrate where differences in assessment may arise – in the second part of this activity, groups will then identify mitigation strategies for this or highlight the case for more quantitative measures of asset health.

15:30 – 16:00 6.0



Closing discussion

Summary of the ideas discussed at the workshop

Next steps



To Register for this conference, please follow the link below:
